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Transforming Mission Workshop -- Report
by Bruce McCluggage, Jan. 27, 2006
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Here are some quotes from the Bosch seminar:
"Very helpful the unpacking of some of Bosch's insights...Cartesian certainty & post-Enlightenment rationality have bogged down the church/mission in the West (USA/Western Europe) more than is usually acknowledged or realized."
Gus Zdanovich (Argentinian national attending Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, CA)
A new insight gained from this session was: "the need for more concentration on Muslims as potential children of God, and less concentration on turning them into Westerners."
Bill Lucas (First Pres. church-COS)
"Aslan is come and everything is changed."
--Phil Andrews (Penrose House)
A new insight gained from this session was: "A re-examining of the structures and assumptions we're been operating out of...The Gospel of the Kingdom vs. Gospel of Salvation."
Rob Hardman (SEARCH Ministries, Denver, CO)
Action Plan to take as a result of this workshop: "To read Bosch again; to begin to question Enlightenment paradigms; to develop my thoughts further in my ministry team with discussion to pass it on."
--Andre Houssney (Horizons International, Boulder, CO)
Strategic direction that missions needs to head in the 21st century: "Listen to our two-thirds world sisters and brothers more intently and respectfully."
--Carol Galambos (First Pres. church-COS)
Action Plan to take as a result of this workshop: "Buy and read Bosh's book as well as Nussbaum's companion book."
--Jean Henry (First Pres. church -- COS)
"We need to look into the missiology of Jesus more closely with the approach that the way Jesus did missions as a model for us to follow."
George Houssney (Horizon INternational-Boulder, CO)
Action Plan to take as a result of this workshop: "Share with the missions board and committee some provocative starting points that promote 'creative tension' that is instrumental in advancing the Good News."
--Terry Dionisio (First Pres. church)
Strategic direction that missions needs to head in the 21st century: "Understand that God is in every culture, every faith, but that He has revealed Himself specifically in the the Bible; we need to engage cultures with what God put into them and try to bring in what is missing, not 'convert' them to Western Christianity."
--Kevin Van Pelt (The Word for the World Bible Translators)

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Transforming Mission Workshop -- Report